Björn Jung
Born 1978 in Gießen, Germany.
Since 2001 student at Bauhaus-University Weimar Dept. Media Art and Design
In 2005 scholarship at Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes / Design
-1994 Youth Award Wetzlar »Aktion Bosnien Hilfe«
-1996 – 1998 sculptural projects public space; Wetzlar
-2003 Cebit FutureParc
-2003 Foobar in Weimar
-2004 'Lange Nacht der Museen' Gaswerk, Weimar
-2004 Backup LoungeLab in Weimar
-2005 Workshop with P.A.R.T.S. Performing Arts Research and Training Studios Brussels in Weimar
-2005 IIO, interactive Rauminstallation, fore/sight Konferenz of Alfred Herrhausen Foundation
strategies for tomorrow society Kongresshalle Weimar.
-2005 Curator Backup LoungeLab
-2006 Exhibition »Institut für Deutsch-Polnische Raumfahrt«, Pauza Foundation Gallery, Kraków

Project scribble
Björn Jung, Marc Sauter
working title: 'Soundgate'
Aim of the project is a real-time connection between European cities e.g. Kraków, Marseille and Weimar with the »Soundgate«, which transmits the soundscape of the connected cities and also enables directly voice communication. The recorded
sound (environment, speech etc.) will be broadcasted to the other soundgates representing its origin.
The Soundgate will be approximately 1.5 m high and in shape of the european star. The cover plate works as a membrane for sonic production by the fixed low frequenzy speaker. The sculptures as a whole form a body of resonance exchanging recorded sounds and environmental impressions.
The »Soundgates« are placed in the public space, The connection could be realized via UMTS - garanteeing mobile flexibility.
Technical equipment per sculpture:
Amplifier, low frequency speaker, microphone, receiver/transmitter