Maja Linke
was born in Bonn, Germany in 1977.
1996 - 1997 she studied Ancient American Ethnology, Spanish and Philosophy at University Bonn.
1997 - 2001 she continued studying Painting at the Academy Beeldende Kunsten Maastricht, Netherlands
Since 2002 she lives and works in Dresden, Germany.
2004 artists-in-residence-scholarship in Mooste, Estonia
2003 german-brasilian scholarship Governo de
Maranhao/German consulate general in Sao Luis, Brasil: piece of work for 'Agenda21' with deprived children and juveniles
2003 Leonardo-da-Vinci-Scholarship in Tartu, Estonia
2001 Gilbert-de-Bontridder-Prize, Netherlands: for my degree work: "About some relations between Art and Politics in 20th and early 21st century"
2006 “Basis & Igel”, Motorenhalle Dresden
2005 “Basis & Igel: Vertreten”, project work in Cologne
2005 “jeder weiß nur das, was er wissen muss”/"everybody only knows what (s)he ought to" elektropopclub: Kunstverein Wolfsburg
2005 “jeder weiß nur das, was er wissen muss”/"everybody only knows what (s)he ought to" elektropopclub: Bytom, Poland
2005 “party-arty” with Tina Beifuss, Lovelite, Berlin
2004/05 “Sputniza” participation, Kunsthaus Dresden
2003/04 “Hšxter vs Grossstadt in: Bruxismus”
with Dirk Lange; “Zurück zum Prachtexemplar”/"Back to showpiece"
with Dirk Lange, Blitzgalerie, Dresden
2003 “postsovkhoZ03”: territories, international
artfestival in Mooste, Estonia (
2002 Latinamerican Dialogues:“Globalisierung heute -
Lateinamerika morgen”/"Globalisation today- Latinamerica tommorrow" University Passau
since 2005 curatorial and organizational work in
Kunsthaus Dresden (
since 2005 mobile workspace “Basis und Igel”
since 2004 board member of the Cultural German-Brasilian Association "Modus e.V." Unna (
2003 - 2005 board member, organization of Blitzgalerie Dresden (
2001-2002 studio residency in Kruth, France

Estland |
3 min,
23 sek
2003 |

90 Stück:
Öl auf MDF
je 12 x 14
2004 |

je 16 x 18
2005 |
Brandenburg |
11 min,
20 sek
2003 |
Since my painting studies I concern myself with interdependencies between art, politics and the society. My current artistic emphasis lies in the limits of single pictures and series. The continuing of a painting across several levels, so that it becomes a series and at the same time adds up to a cohesive picture fascinates me formally as well as a metaphor. Here I fathom the area of tension of private and abstract integration within changing processes in a society.
The conventional division in feminine-private and masculine-abstract moral associations and their consequence are questioned. I hereby examine the accomplishment of imaginations and pictures that originate from a certain medial and personally coined pool.
The emergence of senseless phrases on all levels from politics to youth magazines, communicate the impression of individuals and groups being arbitrary and nevertheless guide into certain directions and are formative in a society.
I am interested in these different imprints and the question in how far the person in question is subject or object of his/her imaginations and how these influence his actions and the actions of the society.
The productions of prototypes that take over the role of leading figures are the motive for my subjective examinations.
I embed (woodcarving-like) representatives of these prototypes into scenarios. In their over-identification they do not judge the structures from the outside but are right at the centre of those.
The figures of my work are mainly self portraits – thus the observer of these scenarios gets into the overall context and I am affirmatively constituted as a representative by myself.